The Empathy Institute ©
- PMP has designed, developed and installed the first known comprehensive technology, combining the elements of behavioral styles with emotional intelligence, in training people in the application of specific EQ/Empathy skills." (Jon L. Greenawalt, Founder and President of PMP, Inc. 2015)
- Since we at PMP have for years been acquiring and successfully applying these skills, we are now able to offer a unique set of program tools to leaders and their teams.
These technologies are:- Affordable
- Can be used immediately
- Timely and adaptable
- Highly impactful
- Trainable in shorter time segments
Our Mission: To quickly and effectively develop empathetic skills in professionals at all levels in organizations which can be applied immediately and achieve observable, measurable results.
PMP's working definition of emotional intelligence (EQ) is:
"The ability to understand our own behavior and emotions and those of others, while managing both in a relationship".
(Jon L. Greenawalt)
"Emotional Intelligence is the #1 predictor of professional success and personal excellence."
“People with high EQ earn $29,000 more annually than their counterparts with lower EQ."
"An analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that six emotional competencies distinguished stars from the average."
Based on Dan Goleman's "Six basic competencies", PMP has expanded five of the categories with specific skill areas. These have been done in their simplest form and molded into and are now available as Exercises** for training of professionals, leaders and managers:
A. Self-Awareness
- Be clear on your intent in being an organizational leader/manager.
- Know your Behavioral Style (aka Natural Behavior).
- Your opinions are not “the Truth”.
- Sensing how your emotions impact your own and others behavior.
B. Self-Regulation
- Altering (flexing) your behavior to access, match or support other people’s needs.
- Choosing to adjust or check your emotions to become more effective in the moment.
- Accurately interpret verbal and non-verbal responses to gauge your progress and impact.
- Be aware of the pull of your own self-interest, then move your self-attention out of the way by focusing “out there” to see, hear and feel the other person.
C. Self-Motivation
- Internally or externally acknowledge your hesitation, anxiety or fear; then make reflective, courageous choices to act.
- Compare available options for action against your purpose and values, choosing accordingly.
- Experience the joy in other’s self-discovery and success.
D. Empathy (“Most people listen to respond, not to understand”)
- Notice that you have internal assessment dialogue going on as you listen, then choose to concentrate your attention “out there” (with the another person or group).
- Choose to believe that “everyone has a unique genius and it is your responsibility to assist them to discover or expand it.”
- Be patient with silence.
- Accept that every person believes they are doing the very best they can at the moment.
E. Social Skills
- Take personal responsibility for your contribution to all breakdowns or unacceptable behavior, no matter who or what the cause.
- Avoid making other people “wrong” in blaming them; give up being “right”.
- Practice active listening (Use of Communication Guidelines**)
- Comment on specific actions and its impact, not the person’s character.
- Identify and utilize behavior in the moment of an interaction to demonstrate a teaching point, alter your approach or change the content.
(Note: ** © protected PMP technology)
Empathy Workshop
Here we outline the basic concepts, format and processes for the development and delivery of empathy skills.
The key is that only a highly skilled professional who is a Master Facilitator can deliver and obtain the promised results for the client. This is the PMP edge.
"Emotional Intelligence is the #1 predictor of professional success and personal excellence."
- Sharpen awareness of your natural (default) behavioral style along with your emotions and the impact of both on others.
- Develop the capacity to alter (flex) your behavior to match or support other people's needs.
- Momentarily dim (set aside) your own needs to understand those of others.
- Experience the joy in other people's self-discovery and successes.
- Recognize when self-absorption in you and others is getting in the way of effectiveness.
- Choose to accept responsibility for what's not working, no matter who or what is the cause.
Program Overview
Time Frame: One or Two Days (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM), depending on number of participants
Location: Suitable and comfortable conference room away from personal office, arranged in an oval or half circle so everyone can see each other.
Course Outline:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Ground Rules & Expectations
- Relationship Self-Assessment (Before)
- Communication Guidelines
- Promises
- What, if accomplished will make this workshop worth your time and effort?
- What's working and not working about your relationships with others?
- Success Strategy and Behavioral Styles
- EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
- Definition and Competencies
- Making Language Your Best Friend
- Practicing Relationship Skills (4 Exercises)
- Self-Assessment Follow Up (After)
- Closure