About Us
Since our inception in 1987, we have had the privilege to serve hundreds of organizational leaders and management teams in diverse organizations across North America and Europe. These people work in a wide array of industries; manufacturing, financial service, agriculture, education and government, to name a few.
PMP is solely in the hands of its founder and President, Jon L.Greenawalt, Sr. He is an Executive Leadership Coach who has committed his life to transforming organizations through personal growth and having every interaction with another person be a contribution to them.
Over our long history, PMP Coaches have produced results in the increasingly competitive world of business as well as non-profit organizations. Our unyielding commitment to our ideals and principles has and is the source of our strength. Our pragmatism and insistence on quantifiable results assures the value for our clients-partners.
"The PMP Management Team"
Jon L. Greenawalt, Sr. CMC, Chairman & Founder
"My Personal Life Vision is that all people identify and have access to their unique genius and share it as a gift to the world."
As a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Psychology and an MA in International Relations, Jon began his career as a Human Resources manager with two separate, large manufacturing companies. After 11 years of corporate experience, he entered the Management Consulting profession as an associate with a mid-west consulting firm. Through this experience, Jon found that it was possible to achieve extraordinary business success through value driven leadership that skillfully integrates the development of people with measurable, results oriented management. In 1987, Jon formed PMP, Inc. as an expression of his commitment to build organizations where people can contribute their unique genius in an environment of dignity and trust. He now practives from his home in Sandwich, New Hampshire.
High Impact Learning...learning that makes a dramatic impact in the real world. The heart of high impact learning at PMP is our commitment to our client-partners promising value that dramatically exceeds their investment. We create breakthroughs that can be measured in results such as lower costs, increased revenue, productivity and team effectiveness.
Our programs are comprehensive in nature, we deliver value to each individual in client organizations by combining Team building Strategic Planning, Personal Development, Leadership Development Management Training into systems that facilitate the development of a personal growth culture.
A frequently heard complaint about consulting/training is that people return from such programs with new concepts and, when faced with on-the-job pressure, revert to old, ineffective behaviors. PMP's comprehensive approach, backed by our promise for results, guarantees sustainable change and unprecedented results.
We employ two distinct disciplines and a variety of tools in our work:
Breakthrough Workshops provide an opportunity to create new ways of looking at reality; not merely information gathering, but a process of discovery. Clients emerge:
- Seeing themselves and their organization from the vantage points of their peers, employees and customers, giving them the understanding needed to make desired changes.
- With a clear and conscious commitment to a future that they find personally compelling; this personal commitment is linked to the purpose of the organization, increasing the power of the team.
People emerge from our breakthrough workshops highly energized with a renewed commitment to expanding personal boundaries. Human nature, however, is such that much of this energy and enthusiasm is short lived without significant ongoing support (see personal coaching and e-coaching).
Personal Coaching provides periodic, regular access to a PMP Coach to work through the challenges of employing new thinking in the real world. People in our programs find that they must operate in new, sometimes uncomfortable ways, "outside of the box", developing new capabilities to achieve the future to which they are committed. The PMP coach is a Master Facilitator, trained in applying our technology in the real world, is the clients' personal guide through this process.